Jnana Prabodhini Samshodhan Sanstha
Instructions for Filling Registration Form
- We DO NOT allow Cancellation or Date Change of appointments.
- Test Fees are Non-Refundable
Read following instructions carefully before filling test registration form.
(Online Test Bookings open now from 10th April to 30th April 2024)
- Select the test depending upon student’s present standard. The options show applicable standards for each test.
- Provide correct email id and contact number which will be used for all further communication. Recheck it before you proceed.
- Give correct personal and educational information of the student
- Select correct language for giving the test. Choose language the student is comfortable with (read and understand the questions) irrespective of his medium of education.
- Select desired date and time-slot from the calendar on 2nd page of the form. All available dates are highlighted in green color. Be careful while selecting the date and time. Once booked, this can not be changed. We DO NOT allow change of date or cancellation of appointment.
- Information about charges for online payment is provided through the link “Online Payment Service Charges” just before “Proceed to Pay” button on 2nd page. You can review it to decide on payment method you want to use.
- After you click on “Proceed to Pay”, you will be taken to “Cart” page. Click “Proceed to checkout” button here which will take you to the Checkout page. All details of your test booking are displayed here. Review them and make sure they are correct before you make the actual payment.
- You will receive a confirmation email after successful payment of test fees. If you don’t see it in your Inbox, check your spam folder once.
- Date and time of Guidance session will be conveyed to you after the test as per mutual convenience.